MY REVIEW: For starters, I am not a parent, so my opinions are going to be from a non-parent perspective. So if I start sounding all why-can't-people-get-this it is because I have never had to parent and therefore have no idea how hard it is.
Anyways, I really couldn't tell you why I picked up this book except that I wanted to see what people today call "fearless parenting". I was impressed! George and Jimmy have done a wonderful job of working together to get their point across. Parenting is not supposed to be easy---it's hard work and you can't let your kids rule you. Rather, they are your kids, so you are in control of them. This can seem harsh, but really, it's not. Kids need to learn how to be responsible, listen to authority, and live a mature and profitable life. How can they do this if all we as parents do is baby them and give in to them and let them have everything they want?
On a different note....... Each chapter begins with an example of a counseling session (anonymous) which sets the tone of the chapter. I liked that. It gave reality to the topic being discussed. And each lesson ends with a few ways of carrying out that particular parental action.
So if you are seeing a need for a change in your parenting technique but have no idea how to go forward, you should try this book.
I received a copy of this book from BAKER BOOKS per their blogger program, and was only asked to write an honest review.
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