Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Crack Yourself Up Jokes for Kids

     BOOK REVIEW:   Any kid can be a comedian with a little help from CRACK YOURSELF UP JOKES FOR KIDS. This zany collection of one-liners, knock-knock jokes, riddles, puns, funny lists, and hilarious illustrations promises hours of fun. Just be careful. These are the kinds of laughs that make milk come out your nose---so don't drink and read!  Perfect for kids 6-12.

     MY REVIEW:   Who doesn't love a good book of jokes? This book is great for kids, and can even be enjoyed by adults. Many of the knock-knock jokes have the same punch line with just a different method of getting there, but there are several others as well. I never knew there were backwards jokes, where the answer is given before the joke. Truth be told, it rather takes the fun out of it. I don't know if I would call the illustrations "hilarious" but then I am a bit older than 12. There could be more of them, though. All the jokes are kid friendly, and even a (very) few reference God, for example: Two brothers, Jamie and Sam, were deciding who got to eat the last waffle. Mom cam in and suggested, "Boys, don't you think Jesus would want you to share? I think He would give his waffle to His brother."    "That's a good idea," Sam said. "Jamie, you be Jesus." 
     A few examples of what you will find in this book:

  • Health Inspector: "I'm afraid you have too many roaches in here."  Restaurant Owner: "How many am I allowed?
  • What's red and smells like blue paint? Red paint. 
  • Where do pencils go on vacation? Pencilvania. 
  • Little Girl: "Mommy, you've got some gray hairs.  Mom: "Yes, every time you don't behave, I get another gray hair." Little Girl: ''Is that why Grandma has so many?"
  • Susie was so excited that she put together a puzzle in just 10 days even though the box said 2-4 years.
     ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Sandy Silverthorne is an award-winning author/illustrator with more than half a million copies in print. His award-winning Great Bible Adventure children's series has been distributed in eight languages worldwide. Sandy has worked as a cartoonist, author, illustrator, actor, pastor, speaker, and comedian. Apparently it's hard for him to focus.

  I received a copy of this book from REVELL PUBLISHERS and was not required to write a positive review. 

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