One subject I liked in this book is the subject of your thought life. "What we think about when we are free to think about what we will, that is what we are or will soon become." I find I have to watch what I think or my imagination gets carried away, or I start dwelling on things that really aren't necessary.
Another subject is letting go of our earthly treasures and trusting God to see us through. "Let go of your treasures and the Lord will keep them for you unto life eternal. Hang onto them, and they will bring you nothing but trouble and misery to the end of your days." As Christians, we don't need to carefully guard our possesions; they don't have the meaning they do to the world. Same as a rich man can't sleep but a poor man can, Christians have confidence that they are being watched over by the One who controls all things.
Tozer also expresses his concerns in that when a person becomes a Christian, they are often left hanging; they are told that they accepted Christ therefore they are all set. But no one tells them what to do next, that they are to go and live for Christ and all that entails. I found that challenging. Helping a new Christian understand how his life is going to change is nearly as important as their actual conversion. Otherwise, they will be as seed falling on the stony ground--life will choke out their faith.
These and the other subjects were wonderfully fit together, making an inspiring and enlightning book.
I recieved this book from MOODY PUBLISHERS in exchange for my honest review.
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