However, this hope of a victorious life cannot be attained without understanding and applying the Word of God to our lives in a practical way on a daily basis, especially in the areas of PRAISE and WORSHIP. I am sure that anyone who will read, understand, and apply the truths contained in this volume will be well on their way to a life of Victorious Living.
MY REVIEW: This is the second of Victor Morgan's books that I have read. I think he has some good points, and there are some that I'm not sure I agree with. If I had to choose which of his books I liked best, I would have to say it was the first one, HEAVEN'S GREAT HOPE.
This book is devoted to the subjects of Praise and Worship. One point made on Praise is that it is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and that we were created to shout in praise to God. He also believes that when the Christian praises God, he is wearing a "badge" showing in whom he believes.
A larger part is focused on Worship. "Only as we receive His life in us, can we begin to recognize and assess Him for who He really is. Only then, can we begin to ascribe true worth to Him as the loving, caring Father of us all; thus, leading to genuine, deep, heart-felt worship of the Father." He says also that we must worship God before we can be channels for Him.
One of Victor's concepts about Worship through prayer that I've never heard before is that God cannot act directly in this earth because He has given authority to man (in the Garden) in a similar way as one would lease a possession to another---He holds the deed, but cannot control how the other treats his possession. Man in turn has handed this authority to Satan (also in the Garden). In legal terms, God cannot just charge in and redeem this earth because He does not have that authority for the time being. He can, however, work through Man. When Man prays to God, he is giving Him permission to come and act as He wills. At least, that's how I understood it. A few of Victor's examples to support this are:
- " God asks us to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" in Psalm 122:6. If He wants Jerusalem to have peace why cannot He simply bestow peace on it without having all of us pray for peace. The fact is, He cannot give peace to Jerusalem, though He wants to with all of His heart, without somebody in the earth giving Him consent to act in the earth."
- "Herein is the reason why we must truly worship the Father---giving true allegiance unto Him, that He might have "legal entry" into the earth through us."
- For one instance of Israel's punishment for sin as told in Ezekiel 22:29-31, Victor says, "Our Heavenly Father does not like destruction of any kind. He is a loving Father. Yet there is a Law, that says, we reap what we sow. Israel at this time was committing enumerable sins, and their reaping time was at hand--judgment was imminent. Yet, God in His mercy and great love, "Sought for a man! Sought for a man! Sought for a man!" Why? Obviously, because if He could have found a "man" who would have requested, in faith, that this law be suspended, then God legally could and would have done just that, withheld rightful judgment. For that was obviously His desire; that is why He was seeking for a man to stand in the gap "before Him."
As I previously stated, this is a new concept to me. I think to a degree he may be right. People have felt inspired to pray for others and later hear how that person narrowly avoided some danger or other. I think in those instances this makes sense. However, I don't like that God has no power in earth without man.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through BOOKCRASH in exchange for my honest review.
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