Francine Rivers is a favorite author of mine, so I was really looking forward to this book. Especially as I like books about Bible characters we don't hear much about.
But I'm afraid I was disappointed. I couldn't keep my attention focused, and for only being a novella, it sure took long enough to read through.
This disappointment will not, however, keep me from reading the rest of the series. I will hold out hope that of the five, I will find at least one that is worth reading all the rest.
To look to the subject of the book for a bit, Silas is a character I would only know as having sung with Paul in prison. Francine takes "creative liberty" with Silas's roles, but one would need to if attempting many pages on him, as we are not told much in the Bible. I like thinking about those people who are mentioned but a little. Another approach I liked, was the "humanness" portrayed of Paul and Peter. Told from the perspective of Silas traveling with them, we can see how very "human" these great men were, which makes me appreciate their witness all the more.
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