In There's A Fly in My Tea, we'll take a fresh, vulnerable look at the ways we let those pesky flies of doubt, frustration, fear, and bitterness creep into our lives and spoil our testimony. We'll look at the life of Peter, a man who definitely allowed some flies into his life, and learn how our own lives can be used as a sweet savor to the Lord and those around us.
MY REVIEW: This book is based on the life of Peter. It can be for anyone, but is geared for women. The focus is maintaining a godly witness in our lives.
The first thing I liked about this book was the title. The second was the cover. It's a simple, straightforward example of the unappealingness of a Christian who is not living for Christ. We don't know how quickly others see things that we think are hidden or inconsequential.
The next thing I liked about the book was all the references used. Each chapter begins by naming the passage from which it is based, and throughout the chapter are many supporting verses.
At the end of each chapter (there are 11) there are a few questions to be answered. I found that to be very helpful---it makes one think about what they've read and how they align with it.
A few phrases I especially liked are:
- My plans fail because the Lord wants me to turn to Him in my time of trouble, not lean on my own strength to get me through.
- We are not guaranteed tomorrow----neither is the person God has put in our path to witness to.
- It is to our benefit to forgive so our relationship with God is not hindered and our joy can be complete. Then we can be the light to this lost world that God desires for us to be.
- God wants us to give thanks always and for all things---that includes the difficult times in our life---no matter how big or small.
I really enjoyed reading through this book, and found it to be full of things that I needed to hear. It makes a great devotional book, with the passages and questions, but can very easily be read as a chapter book.
I received this book from BOOKCRASH per their blogger program, and was not required to write a positive review.
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