Monday, October 17, 2016

Home Song

   BOOK REVIEW:  Mayor Emily Warwick can't remember the last time she let herself dream. That's something she did in her old life--when she allowed herself to hope. Now her days are consumed by the responsibilities of her job and the incessant demands of her elderly mother. And then there's her younger sister, Jessica, who is about to walk down the aisle with a man their mother despises. Emily has two months to bring their mother around, but so far--even with their minister's support--her plan isn't working. And it doesn't help that Emily's still mourning the husband she lost and wondering what happened to the baby she gave up for adoption twenty years ago. Sometimes she thinks it would take a miracle to fill the hole in her heart.

    MY REVIEW:   The charming town of Cape Light--and all its delightful occupants--is the subject of another Cape Light Novel. The town has more than its fair share of trials and sorrows, but as they lean on God and each other, they all make it through. Strength of community is tested and found stable, friendships are forged and made stronger, new ideas are embraced--after plenty of fuss, and the election is finally completed.
     Cape Light is the type of town where one feels welcome, accepted, and loved. Where everyone has a place and friends to share that place. If you're looking for a taste of such a place, just read HOME SONG, or any of the Cape Light Series.

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